
Beautiful Family of Five! | Washington DC Family Photographer

This photo session was extra special b/c it was for my wonderful friend, Jessica McFadden, and her gorgeous family. Jessica and I met over ten years ago when we worked on Capitol Hill together, and we have remained close friends ever since. Now she writes a hugely popular and informative resource blog for Washington, DC area parents called A Parent in Silver Spring. It’s a must read, so check it out! Even though Jessica so generously promotes my business for me since we are old friends, she still feels the need to send ME thank you gifts after I take her photos!! (Even though I’ve told her not to 1,000 times!) That’s the kind of person she is: generous and thoughtful beyond words.

I met up with the McFadden’s at Brookside Gardens in Silver Spring last month. (Yes, I am that far behind in posting!) I took her sweet baby’s newborn portraits back in May, so it was awesome to see how much she has changed in just six months. She is absolutely stunning like her big brother and sister, and just as sweet!

It was so wonderful seeing you guys again. Thank you for allowing me to capture your first portraits as a family of five. It was an honor.

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